Saturday, December 29, 2007

More Bill Richardson Images. Governor Bill Richardson Photos. Presidental Candidate Bill Richardson pictures. The Complete "Fat Bill and Me" Album.


At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, Cove, so we now all know what Richardson looks like. What is your point here? Why do you keep doing this? Are you planning on going Travis Bickle on him or something?

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Danny Cabeza de Calabazo said...

I'm doing it just to piss you off Cooney. Only kidding. I have only so much storage space to web host pictures and I have been following which photos get hits and how/why photo go to the top of Google's image listing. the reason for hits is what I looking for relative to the file name. Now this web site is like a banana in that as soon a Richardson drops from the presidental race this site will be in the dumpster. Already I get more hits on a symbol for Bio-Hazard than on any writtten article or photo of Richardson, except the one with Kissinger.
I am also moving foward toward making/posting video and am writing outside this blog which makes about the value of one cup of coffee per month in Google ad revenues. I was hoping you would return to the Lost Souls' Room to kick some ass. But it is always good to hear from you my friend.

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well alright then, but if I see you wandering around the Plaza in a Mohawk, carrying a stack of Kris Kristofferson albums around, I'm going to be worried...


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