Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Fran the man-hating gun-totin corrupt bitch!

Our corrupt Municipal Judge has been running her court a cash cow for her staff and herself. Un-trained in law she used the process to frivolously charges people while acting as her own prosecutor. Of course greedy Gallegos will say it's more efficient being a Nazi judge.

The $100,000 salaried, three time divorced man-hating Fran made the City buy her a gun; dismissed more tickets than former Judge Fiorina; did favors for her drunken political friends; blew a ton of DWI cases; got censured by the courts and was just about to be thrown out for corruption... so she decided to run for Mayor to reek real havoc on all of Santa Fe.

As ex-military she has been a real supporter (like Governor Fat Bill Richardson) of the war in Iraq and the killing of Iraqi children for political reasons.

Gallegos was out control "interpreting" local law differently from State law. The City then changed the wording of our municipal laws to match the State's laws. Gallegos went nuts. And when the City decided to rein in the fat with power corrupt Gallegos she tried to get Assistant City Attorney Spence Pacheco fired.

Thank God for people like Bruce Thompson (City Attorney) and Art Micheal (City Prosecutor). When you meet lawyers like them and see their heart felt dedication to what is right, it gives you hope. But when you compare them to the non-lawyer greedy ego of the corrupt and vengeful Gallegos you see how gullible Santa Fe is. And man, it's fucking depressing.


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