Gov. Bill Richardson soon to be Ambassador to China ... yes. Val Kilmer, governor of NM ... fuck no!
Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico with his "boss" Henry Kissinger.
The Santa Fe New Mexican has reported that Richardson is "Silent" on his appointment. In the same story Governor Richardson denies he endorsed movie star Val Kilmer for governor of New Mexico.
Gov. Richardson introduces his wife Barbara to China's Ambassador to the U.S. Zhou Wenzhong.
Val Kilmer reprinted story from Fat Bill and Me.
All I know is our big and restless Governor was a no-show when the New Mexican tried to do something about the "Achievement Gap." Anyway, I saw State Senator Phil Griego at that community forum. I asked him if he was feeling better.
It seems Val "fuck face" Kilmer mouthed off about New Mexico in Rolling Stone and Sen. Griego told Val and all his Hollywood coke head friends to take a flying fuck and stop disrespecting northern New Mexico and it's people... at least publicly you turd Kilmer.
Our Governor Large Lard, always looking for an excuse to eat, publicly invites Sen. Phil and Kilmer to a sit down dinner at the mansion. Phil says fuck you to the both of them and publicly say he's ill.
"So were you really sick?" I asked Griego standing outside the College of Santa Fe.
"Hell no. I wasn't going to eat with the...” Phil lays into Kilmer as I literally jump up and down in delight with our State Senator's description of the whacked-out movie star.
After Fat Bill's dinner with Val Kilmer and without Phil Griego, Governor Suck-off Richardson declared to the press "Val Kilmer is a great New Mexican." I think it's Senator Phil Griego who is a great New Mexican and that he ate Bill Richardson for lunch.
Wow. You're brilliant! I wish I sat around all day reading pointless, angry blogs so I could come back and visit you again, but, sorry. Not possible.
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