Governor Bill Richardson is Running Santa Fe's Mayor Coss' Re-election Campaign.
Seated: Governor Bill Richardson (left) and Ben "The Rat" Lujan Sr. (right). Standing third from the left, Santa Fe's Mayor David Coss.
Then one year later when Gonzales was going to run for Tom Udall's Congressional seat Richardson again called Javier into his fourth floor office at the Round House and told Gonzales that the fix was in for Ben Ray Lujan to be the next U.S. Representative from New Mexico's 3rd District. Ben Ray Lujan is rumored to be the gay lover of Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and is the son of Richardson's right hand man, Speaker of the New Mexico House, Ben Lujan Sr.
The following is how the story was spun in the local rag, the Santa Fe New Mexican.
"Gonzales, who chairs the Highlands University Board of Regents, confirmed Tuesday that he's considering a run for lieutenant governor in 2010. He said he wasn't pressured by any other candidate to drop out, and his decision wasn't the result of any deals. "
So now with the help of help of Richardson, Ben Lujan Sr., and money people like former NM Finance Authority Chairman and former rock star Steve Flance ... Coss is running again.
For a suggested $250 donation you can go to the event at Flance's house OR you come with me and just crash the party.
Richardson, Lujan Sr., and Flance
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