Bill Richardson as a baseball player for Tufts
When Bill Richardson was running for President I ask reporter Steve Terrell what song would be appropriate for Richardson's theme song. He answered, Credence Clearwater's "Put Me In Coach (
Bill Richardson Rocks
My darling friend Judy Beth Yelsky nailed it when to the irritation of his critics declared the indisputable fact "My Governor (Bill Richardson) is a Rock Star."

I always always thought that the tie that Richardson wore in the photo on the left was wild and cool. The last time I spoke to the Governor was after shooting a public service announcement for the Census. Richardson was very generous to take time to make the TV commercial to promote the Census especially since I was involved and he knew of this blog. Before the shoot he had acknowledged me with a very curt nod. Afterward I approached the Governor to thank him. I was wearing a tie with woven alternating images of the Democratic donkey and the Great Seal of the U.S. Presidency. The tie was given to me from a friend who's father had received it from Lyndon Johnson. I took the tie off and gave it to the Governor. Richardson was humble and gracious in accepting the gift. "Cool tie." he said, thanking me.

Cove, this would be a nice addition to your blog:
Thanks David. sorry I couldn't pull the ad off and some how the sound didn't transfer.
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