Sunday, December 09, 2007

Babe Rainbow: Ferengi Flamer

Cove on the extreme left and Babe on the extreme right ... both in the photo and in politics.

By Donado Coviello
Listen Rainblow, your so-called joke is offensive. It makes light of the holocaust. My wife is Jewish and has relatives that survived the death camps. Your stupid offensive remarks are an insult to them and me. You can't spell, you copy everything you post, you spew hate, you lie, and I think you're a kiss a** dupe. And if you try to post the ending of your stupid so-called joke it will be gone in seconds. You are an evil Ferengi internet troll baiting for attention.

Babe Rainbow claims to be a "Jew but not Jewish." He once claimed to be a professional wrestler. And by making the above statement Cove (Donado Coviello) got thrown off the New Mexican chat site we call the The Lost Souls' Room.

By Babe Rainbow
I bet you were awake all night giggling like a little girl in anticipation of getting in the first Babe bashing post of the day huh david?

Well first of, I deleated the donkey post myself. Not because it vioated any rules but because after what happened last night I did'nt think anybody here deserved to see the wit and wisdom it contained.

By Greg Miller
Oh Babe, ease up. You got a life? Go live it

By David Lopez
Babe, I bet you cry like a little baby whenever I call you on your misleading posts.

I mentioned the one sentence thing with those lyrics because the way they were presented they were one sentence posts. I thought it was clever.

My criteria for deleting posts is very simple. They have to be personel attacks, duplicates or margin busters.

I wouldn't be surprised if at one time or another, my deletions with comments got Jean, Judy and Cove banished. Even personal attacks will stand, if there is no cussing. Cussing opersonal attacks I won't let stand.

BTW, that wasn't a bash, it was information given in good faith, information that would ensure that, when the mad deleter deletes, the posts will come back, they will comply with the 4um rules. You will always be in the right, using my suggestions.

Take my advise or leave it, your choice.

By Babe Rainbow
Well first of, I deleated the donkey post myself. Not because it vioated any rules but because after what happened last night I did'nt think anybody here deserved to see the wit and wisdom it contained.

By Bev Lennen
Babe, You are right. Those of us in this room don't deserve to see your wit and wisdom. There is one sure-fire way that you can permanently punish us for our egregious transgressions...and most of us that have stayed in your corner (probably much longer than was wise or earned) wouldn't blame you one bit, if you took your script and went home. It would serve us all right. Yeah, that's the ticket... (Surely, you remember that line from the bit on SNL)

By PC Chavez
I know what Babe is doing. He once said the more we complain about his cut-and-paste and link-and-quotes, the more you would do it. So, I guess the more we complain about his babycry, the more he is going to cry, bellyache and fuss like a baby.

The Angels now any biker would have never put up with his bellyaching.

Seated (left) Nurse Ratched (Jean the Machine) and Babe Rainblow standing on stool (right)


At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, Cove, that post got you booted?

Some say they would give their left nut to do a supermodel.

I think that happened to you. That post had to be said.

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling Babe a Ferengi is an insult to the Ferengi.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jean Vigil is back. Dave says that we missed her. Who's WE


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