Rahm Emanuel got Richardson fired for helping Blagojevich.
We know where he is. He's in Israel setting up American technology gas chambers for
Palestinians.In a recent file photo below are Sheriff Greg Solano of Santa Fe, NM and Rahm Emanuel of Tel Aviv, Israel secretly testing the devices in Governor Richardson beloved New Mexico.
Rahm Emanuel (right) and Sheriff Greg Solano of Santa Fe, NM test American made Israeli gas chamber for Palestinians.
It seems Rahm Emanuel knew Richardson had given money to Blagojevich's re-election campaign. Obama has had to decide between Rahm Emanuel's corrupt past and Blagojevich's corrupt past. The guilt by association and Richardson's bad rep with Emanuel's crooked Chinese friends sealed the deal for Obama. Bye bye Governor Richardson, hello leaks connecting Richardson to Blago.
Obama isn't so much worried about Emanuel getting busted but rather breaking the willing suspension of disbelief about Obama's purity. As one blogger put it: “What worries the Obama media people is not that Rahm is caught on tape with Blago and staff a full 21 times — but that Emanuel’s propensity for four-letter words will be revealed and cause a distinct toxic shock to idealists who believe Obama will bring a wafting air of clean breeze to politics.”
Obama now is floating the idea that his wants to have secret contacts with Hamas. How secret can it be with Emanuel's desk sitting 3 feet from Obama's. Everyone knows Emanuel is running Obama's policy for the MiddleEast through Mossad. Emanuel isn't missing, he's in Israel right now.
Governor Richardson explains Obama's double-cross by Rahm Emanuel.
What makes this story really weird is Obama and Emanuel say they ran Blagojevich's re-election campaign. From Mark Finklestein:
'Rahm Emanuel, a congressman from Chicago and a friend of Obama's, told me that he, Obama, David Wilhelm, who was Blagojevich's campaign co-chair, and another Blagojevich aide were the top strategists of Blagojevich's victory. He and Obama "participated in a small group that met weekly when Rod was running for governor," Emanuel said. "We basically laid out the general election, Barack and I and these two." A spokesman for Blagojevich confirmed Emanuel's account, although David Wilhelm, who now works for Obama, said that Emanuel had overstated Obama's role. -- from Making It: How Chicago Shaped Obama, by Ryan Lizza, the New Yorker, July 21, 2008'
That's a fire truck they are standing in front of, you dolt!!!
No shit? Dah!
"That's a fire truck they are standing in front of, you dolt!!!"
LMAO. Of course it's a "fire truck."
That's what so funny. We in New Mexico know that Sheriff Greg Solano would never get near a gas chamber while you in Washington are certain Rahm Emanuel would.
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