Rahm Emanuel's Victims: Blago, Bush and Palestinian Children. The Story of Israeli Killers and Obama's Silence
From the first moments of my blogging I was assigned a "handler," a Jewish handler. I never met Judy Beth Yelsky but I knew people had to be assured that even if my words were trouble I was not a real threat.
In a early valentine to Rahm Emanuel The NY Times never mentions Israel. Never mentions the speculation about Emanuel and his father's connection to Mossad. The Times does put in glowing comments by Kline and a Axelrod sidebar that shows to everyone but the blind how Emanuel has Obama by the huevos
The Great Black Silent One: Just like Clinton, Rahm Emanuel has Obama by the huevos.
My handler Yelsky says that I'm just pissed that the "Jews and Blacks" are in charge now. She goes on to blame everything on Hamas and my anti-semitism. My peace-loving ex-hippie school teacher sister in-law say about Gazans "Nuke them all." When I complain about Obama silence in the face of all dead blown-up kids ... even my Jewish wife says "Can't you say something without knocking someone else?"
I see Blagojevich isn't going to be able to call witnesses in his impeachment trial. Emanuel gets a pass. Obama is silent on Israeli atrocities in Gaza. Emanuel and Israel gets a pass. The American people pay for a bailout of Emanuel's rich friends. The Times, Emanuel, Israel, and undue influence gets a pass. And what do I get for complaining ... a bunch of tsoris.
But the ability to excuse Rahm Emanuel's and Israel brutality makes me wonder if Americans, my family, and Jews have hardened their heart and minds so much as to be literally blind to other's pain.
Good post Cove. Critical articles like this are rare. Keep it up.
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