Governor Fat Bill Richardson makes the cover of COW the local agricultural newspaper. With a stunning cover editorial New Mexico's Bovine voice called to "Can" Fat Bill not beef.

This should be in the papers soon.
City Hall has confirmed these numbers.
Reliable sources are ready to come forward that Mary Ann Caldwell and Fran Gallegos did NOT take off time they used for when not at work.
If the City does not look into this now while people are ready, willing and able to come forward, Mary Ann Caldwell will be cashing out an additional $79,000. Yes, your tax dollars at work again in Municipal court.
City Hall has turned a blind eye for 10 years now and it is costing the city to pay for three judges and Fran's attorney fees at this point. When is this madness going to end?
Her Annual leave balance is 1,412 hours
Her Sick leave balance is 1,188 hours
and 76 comp. time hours
Fran Gallegos has a similar leave balance with the following:
Annual leave 1,371 hours
Sick leave 1,196 hours
Have you called the City Manager's office to let him know how you feel about this? Have you called the Mayor? Have you called your City Councilors and/or the City Attorneys? I don't want my tax dollars used for their alleged time fraud and Fran's legal fees because she was sight seeing, shopping and resting instead of attending classes (on our tax money yet again) that would have told her about items such as you let defendants plead not guilty, do you?
Make YOUR voice heard or let them cash out but don't complain, if you do nothing.