Monday, December 11, 2006


Rules for being a responsible asshole:

1. Call the Koreans or Governor Richardson any name in the book but don't disrespect the First Lady.

2. Admit Richardson has some good points, like his smile.

3. Don't accuse Bill Richardson of womanizing unless you have proof.

4. Don't make fun of short Democratic Party candidates like Jim Baca.

Fat and Bill but not Fat Bill.

CNN stole my thunder with ... But Obama is a "Barack Star."

But I got to spam the New York Time with comment 297 on their question:
"Share Your Thoughts Is America ready to elect a woman or an African- American as president?"

Donado Coviello: Is America ready for a Hispanic President … Bill Richardson of New Mexico?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yelsky said of Bill Richardson: "My Governor is a rock star!"