Walking Backward Into The Future
Some people believe the past is in front of us because we can see it and the future behind us because we can't. So when I think of Star, Luna, SuperJoel, Groovie Bewildered Dead, Vanessa, Kathy Soliah, the Ziprins, Smacky Beary (Jackie Leary), Henry and Clover and all the people of 1976 Berkeley ... I think I'm walking backward into the future.
Of course I want to talk to all of them again. Some I can't because they're gone and I'm still here. Some I have spoken with and others I cry to. But to answer Annelise directly I do not know what happened to Catherine Star, I wish I did. I hallucinated her while I was walking on a beach a year ago. That in combination with other events led me to quit smoking pot after forty years of doing so.
But in 1976 on Oct 2nd in Berkeley, California there was to be a party, a birthday party. It was to be a mix of different group young and older; gay and straight; drugies and drinkers with the guest of honor being Luna.
Labels: Luna